Politheatro in collaboration with INTERSOS, presents the theatrical play titled
“مهاجرین we are on the same boat”.

The play is based on the work of Matei Visniec “Refugeees… or we are too many on this fucking boat” . With expert direction from Thodoris Gogos, the theatrical team consisting of refugees and members of Politheatro workshop of theatrical art works to convince us to cast off our wires. It beautifully describes a revolution that has already begun, ‘a peaceful revolution that will last a whole century as, to tell you the truth it is not very decent to cover a fridge in a wire… A journey where we are one, two, five, one hundred, ten thousand people all on the same boat. In our sea of many differences, hate and contradictions, will it convince us that you cannot put wires on waves?

The play will take place on Thursday, December 20th, at 8 pm, at the art place of the Polytheatro at Dimarxou Ioannidi 4.


The play takes place with the support of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the financing of the European Union’s Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO).

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