INTERSOS Hellas is a non-governmental organization that operates in Greece with the aim to provide equal opportunities and long term, durable solutions to people in need. We are a member of the INTERSOS family which has been active since 1992 and is located in 23 countries around the world.
People Accommodated
People Benefited from Services
Participants in Educational and Integrational Activities
Implemented Programmes
Implemented Projects
H πολιτική διάσταση της τροφής
Πως αλληλοεπιδρά ο υποσιτισμός με την κοινωνική και πολιτισμική μας ταυτότητα ; Τι σχέση έχει η παχυσαρκία με την κοινωνική τάξη στην οποία ανήκουμε και με τη χώρα από την οποία προερχόμαστε; Ο Απόστολος Βεΐζης αναλύει με την Δήμητρα Αναστασοπούλου την πολιτική...
Finding housing for refugees
The HELIOS Project (Supporting Integration in Greece of Beneficiaries of International Protection and Temporary Protection) has been an important station since 2019 that promoted the integration of refugees/Beneficiaries of Temporary Protection in our country....
Helios Project completes its journey after 5 years of action
With the end of summer a great cycle comes to an end. The HELIOS Project in which INTERSOS Hellas actively participated since 2019 is completing its journey. The program offered us the opportunity to help thousands of people who found themselves in Greece b ut also to...
ΙNTERSOS Hellas supports access to work for those who need it
On the anniversary of the 1st year of the #Together program, Kathimerini and journalist Ioanna Fotiadis spoke with beneficiaries of the program and recorded their stories with a reference point of what the program has offered to refugees and immigrants, but also to...
World Humanitarian Day 2024: protecting civilians should be the only target
In 2024, civilians, civilian infrastructure and humanitarian workers have been and continue to be under attack. We see this every day in the countries where INTERSOS operates: in Sudan, in Ukraine, in southern Lebanon, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Over the...
Protection for All Minors
Το Δίκτυο για τα Δικαιώματα του Παιδιού ξεκινά την υλοποίηση του προγράμματος «Protection for All Minors» με την χρηματοδότηση της ανθρωπιστικής οργάνωσης INTERSOS
“Protection for All Minors” – A new initiative of INTERSOS
Network for Children’s Rights implements the new program “Protection for All Minors” funded by the humanitarian organization INTERSOS
Παιδιά χωρίς χαρτιά, Παιδιά σε κίνδυνο. Μέχρι πότε … ;
Η πρόσφατη περίπτωση του νεαρού Σαϊντού (Saidou), πρόσφυγα από την Γουινέα, κατέδειξε έντονα το πρόβλημα των ασυνόδευτων παιδιών, τα οποία αν και βρίσκονται στην χώρα υπό την φροντίδα της Πολιτείας, στερούνται ένα μακροχρόνιο πλαίσιο νομικής προστασίας, σύμφωνα με το...
INTERSOS Hellas & Babel Day Center shake hands for the “Vaccines for All” campaign
Babel Day Center, which carries out the “No One Alone in the Pandemic” project funded by the Ministry of Health, proceeds to a significant partnership with INTERSOS Hellas, supporting the Vaccines for All campaign, with the aim of strengthening support for vulnerable...
#MyIntegrationStory Every person has a story to tell Hala, Ahmed, Patricia and other people are here to share their own story. All of them were supported by HELIOS project Are you ready to listen to them? From December 2019 until today INTERSOS Hellas actively...