«We were there from the first hours after the bombings and set up our own medical practice with doctors, psychologists and sociologists. Children arriving at the reception center in the Kortsova area, an old shopping mall, are in a state of shock.

They do not talk much, they have seen bombings, they have stayed in shelters, they have walked for hours, they are injured and many have experienced malnutrition. Many of the women do not stop crying because they have left behind their husbands, fathers, brothers and are afraid of what will happen to them, while too many people, including babies and newborns, have respiratory problems and dehydration.

The wars have the same color, the same taste, unfortunately Europe has not changed even now with those happening in Ukraine. Europe keeps criminalizing solidarity and refugees. But in the midst of all the ugliness of war, solidarity is springing up. Solidarity must be expressed by all, but the responsibility for management is governmental.

Europe is not prepared to deal with the accommodation challenge and the psychological issues of these people. In a short time refugees will be told that things have been improved and to go home»

Dr. Apostolos Veizis, Executive Director of INTERSOS Hellas talked on March 8th to “Dames Spathi” of the radio station “Athens 9,84”, with this interview being shared also by the newspaper “Nea Kriti”.

The main topic of discussion was of course the war in Ukraine and the tragedy experienced by the Ukrainian people and especially the most vulnerable members of society, children.

Many of them, experiencing the savagery of war, have been shocked by the harsh images of war they have witnessed. Refugee caravans are fleeing in search of a safe haven in Poland and Moldavia where Intersos’ mobile units have rushed there since the early days of war.

Apostolos Veizis recently joined other Intersos’ professionals and colleagues from the field, assisting in the humanitarian mission that helps there.

Intersos always giving priority to people, provides support and medical care also in this case to anyone in need!

Clicking here to read the article: https://cutt.ly/dAA0Ay3


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