Dr. Apostolos Veizis, Executive Director of INTERSOS Hellas,spoke with the journalist Katerina Papavasileiou on the radio station 9.84, with reference to what is happening on the front of the war in Ukraine, the caravans of refugees crossing the Ukrainian-Moldovan border and Intersos’ mission rushing on the side of those in need.

«Shocked children and women are crying as soon as they cross the border. Firstly, because they crossed the border safely and saved their children, and secondly, because they left behind their homes and their men to fight for their country.

Our team is located on the Ukrainian-Moldovan borders which thousands of people are cross every day. Moldavia is the poorest country in Europe and has received the largest number of refugees in proportion to its population. This country is a surprise to us, as Moldovans have opened their homes and are hosting more than 100,000 refugees.

But Moldavia is currently teaching a “lesson” to the great and rich Europe. It shows the way in how – when one has the mood and the political will – one can manage a human issue».

Listen to the full interview here: https://cutt.ly/gDRmrF7

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