These are the images we face every day … Support our work because together we can change them by changing the lives of thousands of people for the better!

Since 1992, INTERSOS, through its missions around the world, has helped millions of people to be survive in life-threatening conditions such as wars, natural disasters, epidemics and other challenges, always recognizing and focusing on the value of the human life.

Thanks to your support, our organization is active in more than 20 countries, including Greece where currently we are intervening in Epirus, Thessaly and Lesvos.

INTERSOS Hellas is as an active implementing partner of the International Organization for Migration (IOM – UN Migration) within the context of #HELIOS project (Hellenic Integration Support for Beneficiaries of International Protection) in Epirus and Thessaly, we dynamically contribute to the integration and autonomous living of beneficiaries of international protection.

On the island of Lesvos, INTERSOS has been present since September 2020 after the emergency that arose after the catastrophic fires in Moria. Today we implement a program of mental health, psychosocial support and immediate referrals of the most vulnerable cases to promote prompt intervention and effective care of people in need, in coordination with the competent authorities and other agencies.

We remain faithful to our cause in order to change the images we see every day, images captured in the video below.

In any emergency, we are there! On the front line!


You are only one click away from contributing to our effort! Learn more on our site

* This article was written by INTERSOS Hellas and published on the site INTERSOS Hellas has been active in Greece since 2016. It is currently intervening in Epirus, Thessaly and Lesvos.

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