For one school where violence and bullying does not fit in …

The 6th of March has been established by the Ministry of Education as the National Day against School Violence and Bullying. The term “School bullying” is a juvenile delinquency that occurs in many countries around the world. School bullying, a form of aggressive behavior, occurs predominantly in school reality, with serious consequences for the child’s and adolescent’s psychosocial development and learning process.

Recognizing the importance of this phenomenon, Intersos Hellas continuously seeks to implement targeted prevention actions with the ultimate aim of tackling such phenomena.

The specific type of parental group counseling has as a main aim the provision of the necessary guidance, knowledge and tools parents need to be provided with in order to become more fully equipped to support their children.
Our Objectives:

  • To cultivate and encourage active parental involvement
  • To cultivate the ability to recognize complex childhood behavior – violent or aggressive
  • To strengthen their cooperation with the school
  • To specialize the family with strategies to deal with situations of violence


Further actions: Implementation of workshops for school children on:

“Determining Aggressive Behavior – Addressing Violence in the Educational Environment”

Our Objectives:

  • Have children to recognize aggressive and violent behavior
  • When it’s necessary to ask for help when a relative incident happened and from whom
  • Understand school rules and regulations in relation to violent behaviour
  • Recognize bullying and coping strategy
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